- who we work with
- what we do
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- who we work with
- what we do
- who we work with
- what we do
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- who we work with
- what we do
- who we work with
- what we do
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- who we work with
- what we do
- who we work with
- what we do
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- who we work with
- what we do
- Are you innovating in the Blue Ocean?
Go where the profits and the growth are - and where the competition isn't?
Innovate or perish, but how?
Are you leading or following when it comes to innovation?
Do you look at what the competition are doing and try to do it better - in the Red Ocean ? or are you out innovating in the Blue Ocean, where the competition are not!the eight principles of Blue Ocean Strategy
Formulation principles
- Reconstruct market boundaries
Focus on big picture, not the numbers (!)
- Reach beyond existing demand – our non customers
- Get the strategic sequence right
Execution principles
- Overcome key organisational hurdles
Build execution into strategy
Align the value, profit and people propositions
Renew Blue Oceans
The cornerstone of Blue Ocean Strategy
- Value Innovation -a quantum leap in buyer value
pushing for a sharp drop in industry cost
We draw on the work of W Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne to facilitate a the tried and trusted Blue Ocean Strategy innovation approach which maximises profit in less time, making the competition irrelevant.
Consider a new approach to innovation, aligned to what you value rather than the competition?
contact us
183 Albion Springs Close,
cnr Main Road & Albion Springs Close
Rondebosch, 7700
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